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Friday, July 16, 2010

Dear So and So...Letter to the Girls

Dear LaLa and KiKi,

You're getting so big. I can hardly believe it. There have been so many milestones in the last couple of weeks and I don't know if I am ready for them.

KiKi today is your last day of nursery school. Next year you will be a big girl in primary school! You have become so confident in yourself in the past year that it is a bit overwhelming. Next year you will be in school with your sister! You even get to wear a uniform just like her! How cool is that?

La, your first wiggly tooth!! Keep wiggling it because I see your big tooth coming in behind it! How exciting. I bet you just can't wait for the tooth fairy! I hope she brings you something nice!

Both of you are so special. I love you with all my heart and can't wait for this summer holiday to begin.

Love Always, Mom


Dear Readers,

So what is the going tooth fairy rate?

Love, Kat